Heide-Jørgensen MP, Garde E, Hansen RG, Tervo OM, Sinding M-HS, Witting L, Marcoux M, Watt C, Kovacs KM, Reeves RR (2020) Narwhals require targeted conservation. Science 23 October 2020, 370: 416.
Witting, L. (2020) The natural selection of metabolism explains curvature in fossil body mass evolution. Evolutionary Biology 47:56-75.
Watt, C.A., Doniol-Valcroze T., Witting L., Hobbs, R., Hansen, R.G., Lee, D.S., Marcoux, M., Lesage, V., Garde, E., Ferguson, S.H. M.P. Heide-Jørgensen. 2019. Hunt allocation modeling for migrating marine mammals. Marine Fisheries Review
Witting L (2019) Rebuttal against Desforges et al. (2018): No evidence for a global killer whale population collapse. Marine Mammal Science 35:1197 - 1200
Witting, L., T. Doniol-Valcroze, R.C. Hobbs, S. Ditlevsen, M.P. Heide-Jørgensen. 2019. Meta-population modelling of narwhals, Monodon monoceros, in East Canada and West Greenland. Marine Fisheries Review (in press).
Witting, L. (2018) The natural selection of metabolism explains curvature in allometric scaling. Oikos 127: 991-1000 -Xavier JC, Golikov AV, Allcock L, Rosa R, Sabirov RM, Blicher ME (2018) A review on the biodiversity, distribution and trophic role of cephalopods in the Arctic and Antarctic marine ecosystems under a changing ocean. Marine Biology 165:93
Witting L (2017) The natural selection of metabolism and mass selects allometric transitions from prokaryotes to mammals. Theoretical Population Biology 117: 23-42
Witting L (2017) The natural selection of metabolism and mass selects lifeforms from viruses to multicellular animals. Ecology and Evolution 7: 9098 - 9118
Heide-Jørgensen MP, Hansen RG, Fossette S, Nielsen NH, Borchers DL, Stern H, Witting L (2016) Rebuilding beluga stocks in West Greenland. Animal Conservation 1-12
Boye TB, Simon M, Witting L (2014) How may an annual removal of humpback whales from Godthaabsfjord, West Greenland, affect the within-fjord sighting rate? Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 14: 51-56
Witting L (2013) Selection-delayed population dynamics in baleen whales and beyond. Population Ecology 55:377-401
Witting L, Cuyler C (2011) Harvest impacts on caribou population dynamics in south west Greenland. 12th North American Caribou Workshop. Happy Valley/Goosebay, Labrador, Canada, 4-6 November 2008. Rangifer Special Issue No. 19: 135 – 145
Brandao A, Punt A, Schweder T, and Witting L (2010) Report of the small group on comparison of the methods applied in SC/61/AWMP5 and SC/61/AWMP7. Appendix 2, Annex E. Report of the Standing Working Group on the Aboriginal Whaling Management Procedure. The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 11 (Suppl. 2), 143-148
Heide-Jørgensen MP, Witting L, Laidre KL and Hansen RG (2010) Fully corrected estimates of minke whale abundance in West Greenland in 2007 Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 11(2): 75–82
Witting L (2010) Suggestions for preferred closed and influx models for West Greenland minke whales. Appendix 6, Annex E. Report of the Standing Working Group on the Aboriginal Whaling Management Procedure. The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 11 (Suppl. 2), 152-153
Witting L and Brandao A (2010) Closed models for West Greenland minke whales. Appendix 5, Annex E. Report of the Standing Working Group on the Aboriginal Whaling Management Procedure. The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 11 (Suppl. 2), 151-152
Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., D. L. Borchers, L. Witting, M. J. Simon, K. L. Laidre,> and D. Pike. In Press. Final estimates of large whale abundance in West Greenland waters from an aerial survey in 2005. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management
Witting, L. 2008. Inevitable evolution: Back to The Origin and beyond the 20th century paradigm of contingent evolution by historical natural selection. Biological Reviews, 83:259-294
Witting, L. 2007. Behavioural interactions selecting for symmetry and asymmetry in sexual reproductive systems of eusocial species. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 69:1167-1198.
Witting, L. & E.W. Born, 2005. An assessment of Greenland walrus populations. ICES Journal of Marine Science 62: 266-284.
Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., L.Witting & M.V. Jensen, 2004. Inshore-offshore movements of two fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) tracked by off West Greenland. J. Cetacean Res. Manage 5:241-245.
Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., L.Witting & M.V. Jensen, 2003. Inshore-offshore movements of two satellite- tagged fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) off West Greenland.The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 5:241-245.
Witting, L., 2003. Major life-history transitions by deterministic directional natural selection. Journal of Theoretical Biology 225:389-406
Witting, L., 2003. Reconstructing the population dynamics of eastern Pacific gray whales over the past 150 to 400 years.The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 5:45-54.
Punt, A.E. & L. Witting, 2002. Examination of a simplified version of the inertia model. Annex F. Report of the Third Workshop on the Development of an Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Management procedure (AWMP). J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 4 (Suppl.): 450-453.
Witting, L., 2002. Evolutionary dynamics of exploited populations selected by density dependent competitive interactions. Ecol. Model. 157: 51-68
Witting, L., 2002. From asexual to eusocial reproduction by multilevel selection by density dependent competitive interactions. Theor. Pop. Biol. 61: 171-195
Witting, L., 2002. Inertial model. Annex E. Report of the Third Workshop on the Development of an Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Management procedure (AWMP). J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 4 (Suppl.): 447-449.
Witting, L., 2002. Two contrasting interpretations of Fisher’s fundamental theorem of natural selection. Comm. Theor. Biol. 7: 1-10.
Witting, L., 2001. A note on the development of Catch Control Laws for multi-species subsistence whaling. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 3: 7-11
Witting L (2020) A population model with selection-delayed dynamics for hooded seals in the Greenland Sea. NAMMCO/ICES Seal Modelling Workshop.
Witting L (2020) Assessment of beluga wintering off West Greenland – 2020. NAMMCO-JCNB/ JWG/2020/07
Witting L (2020) Harp seals in the Barents Sea/ White Sea. NAMMCO/ICES Seal Modelling Workshop.
Witting L (2020) Meta-population model for narwhals in East Canada and West Greenland – 2020. NAMMCO-JCNB/JWG/2020/08
Witting L (2020) Optimal meta population removals for narwhals in East Canada and West Greenland – 2020. NAMMCO-JCNB/JWG/2020/09
Witting L (2020). Abundance matrix for the meta model in 2017 and 2020. NAMMCO-JCNB/ JWG/2020/21
Hansen RG, Witting L, Heide-Jørgensen MP (2019) Calf production of narwhals in Scoresby Sound, SC/26/NEGWG/11
Punt, A. E., Brandao, A., and Witting, L. (2019) Results of carryover analyses for West Greenland fin, minke and bowhead whales. IWC/SC/68a/IST/01
Witting, L. (2019) A candidate SLA for the common minke whale in East Greenland. IWC/SC/68a/IST/04
Witting, L. (2019) Assessment of West Greenland harbour porpoise - 2019. NAMMCO/SC/26/HPWG/09
Witting, L. (2019) Assessment runs narwhals, Ittoqqortormiit - 2019. NAMMCO/SC/26/NEGWG/16i
Witting, L. (2019) Assessment runs narwhals, Kangerlussuaq - 2019. NAMMCO/SC/26/NEGWG/16k
Witting, L. (2019) Assessment runs narwhals, Tasilaq - 2019. NAMMCO/SC/26/NEGWG/16t
Witting, L. (2019) Revised assessment of West Greenland harbour porpoise. NAMMCO/SC/26/HPWG/11
Givens, G. H., Allison, C., Donovan, G., George, J.C., Scordino, J., Stachowitsch, M., Suydam, R., Tiedemann, R., Witting, L. (2018) Report of the intersessional correspondence group on drafting an Aboriginal Whaling Scheme. IWC/SC/67b/ AWMP21
Witting, L. (2018) A candidate SLA for fin whales in West Greenland, IWC/SC/67b/AWMP13
Witting, L. (2018) A candidate SLA for the common minke whale in West Greenland, IWC/ SC/67b/AWMP14
Witting, L. (2018) A potential SLA for West Greenland fin whales, IWC/SC/M18/AWMP03
Witting, L. (2018) Assessment of Baffin-Bay (North Water) walrus – 2018, NAMMCO/SC/25/14- WWG/09
Witting, L. (2018) Assessment of West Greenland East Baffin walrus – 2018, NAMMCO/SC/25/14- WWG/10
Witting, L. (2018) Assessment runs for East Greenland walrus – 2018, NAMMCO/SC/25/14-WWG/12
Witting, L. (2018) On banks in management systems with carryover, IWC/SC/M18/AWMP04
Witting, L. (2018) Reconsidering a global collapse of killer whale populations, NAMMCO/SC/25/20
Witting, L. (2018) Saving killer whale populations from a global collapse: rebuttal against Desforges et al. (2018), bioRxiv http://dx.doi. org/10.1101/474320
Witting L (2017) A candidate SLA for fin whales in West Greenland. IWC/SC67a/AWMP6
Witting L (2017) A source-sink migration model for minke whales in West Greenland. IWC/SC67a/AWMP5
Witting L (2017) A stepping stone model for common minke whales in the western North Atlantic. IWC/SC/O17/AWMP2
Witting L (2017) Assessment of narwhals in East Greenland – 2017. NAMMCO-JCNB/SWG/2017-JWG/15
Witting L (2017) Assessment of West Greenland beluga – 2017. NAMMCO-JCNB/SWG/2017-JWG/13
Witting L (2017) Estimates from East Greenland age structures - 2017. NAMMCO-JCNB/SWG/2017-JWG/14
Witting L (2017) Meta population modelling of narwhals in East Canada and West Greenland – 2017. bioRxiv, doi: doi.org/10.1101/059691
Witting L (2017) Sustainability calculations for West Greenland humpback whales, NAMMCO/SC24/AS03
Witting L (2017) Updated candidate SLA for West Greenland fin whales. IWC/SC/O17/AWMP1
Watt CA, Witting L, Marcoux M, Doniol-Valcroze T, Guldborg Hansen R, Hobbs R, Ferguson SH, Heide-Jørgensen MP (2016) Population modelling for narwhal (Monodon monoceros) stocks shared between eastern Canada and West Greenland. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2016
Witting (2016) Density regulated assessment models for West Greenland fin whales
Witting (2016) Density regulated model for West Greenland humpback whales, IWC/SC/D16/ AWMP/01IWC/SC/D16/AWMP/02
Witting L (2016) Meta population modelling of narwhals in East Canada and West Greenland, Canadian National Marine Mammal Peer Review Meeting 2016, bioRxiv, doi: https:// doi.org/10.1101/059691
Witting L (2015) Population growth in North Atlantic fin whales, IWC/SC/66a/AWMP1
Witting L and Heide-Jørgensen M P (2015) Population model for West Greenland beluga, NAMMCO/SC/22-JCNB/SWG/2015-JWG/09
Juul-Pedersen T, Arendt KE, Mortensen J, Retzel A, Burmeister A, Sejr MK, Blicher M, Krause-Jensen D, Olesen B, Labansen AL, Rasmussen LM, Witting L, Boye T, Simon M, Rysgaard S (2014) Nuuk Basic. The MarinBasis Program. In Jensen LM (ed.) (2014) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 6th Annual Report, 2013. Aarhus University, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy. 84 pp
Juul-Pedersen T, Arendt KE, Mortensen J, Retzel A, Burmeister A, Sejr MK, Blicher M, Krause-Jensen D, Olesen B, Labansen AL, Rasmussen LM, Witting L, Boye T, Simon M, Rysgaard S (2014) Nuuk Basic. The MarinBasis Program. In Jensen LM (ed.) (2014) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 6th Annual Report, 2013. Aarhus University, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy. 84 pp
Tiedemann R, Pampoulie C, Schneider A R R , Kiemel K, Witting L, Simon M J, Olsen M, Skaug H J, Øien N and Víkingsson G A. (2014) Genetic structure of the North Atlantic common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) at feeding grounds: a combined microsatellite and mtDNA analysis, IWC/SC/65b/RMP09
Tiedemann R, Schneider A R R , Kiemel K, Pampoulie C, Witting L, Simon M J, Olsen M, Skaug H J, Øien N and Víkingsson G A. (2014) Genetic structure of the North Atlantic common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) at feeding grounds: an update of the microsatellite and mtDNA analysis, IWC/SC/A14/AWMP-RMP03
Witting L (2014) West Greenland bowhead whale candidate SLA, IWC/SC/65/AWMP05
Witting L (2014) West Greenland humpback whale candidate SLA, IWC/SC/65/AWMP04
Witting L (2013) Assessment runs for harbour porpoises in West Greenland, NAMMCO/SC/20/HP/05
Witting L (2013) Candidate SLAs for the hunt of bowhead whales in West Greenland, IWC/SC/65/AWMP05
Witting L (2013) Candidate SLAs for West Greenland humpback whales, IWC/SC/65/AWMP04
Witting L (2013) Revised assessment runs of walrus in Greenland, NAMMCO/SC/20/WWG/05
Witting L (2012) Information of relevance on evaluation trials for the hunt of bowhead whales in West Greenland. IWC/SC/64/AWMP14
Witting L (2012) Information of relevance on evaluation trials for West Greenland fin whales. IWC/SC/64/AWMP12
Witting L (2012) Information of relevance on evaluation trials for West Greenland humpback whales (including general non species specific issues). IWC/SC/64/AWMP13
Witting L (2012) Need envelope calculations for West Greenland. IWC/SC/D12/AWMP4
Witting L, Heide-Jørgensen MP (2012) Assessment of East Greenland narwhals. NAMMCO/SC/19-JCNB/SWG/2012-JWG/12
Witting L, Heide-Jørgensen MP (2012) Assessment of West Greenland beluga. NAMMCO/SC/19-JCNB/SWG/2012-JWG/13
Witting L, Heide-Jørgensen MP (2012) Assessment of West Greenland narwhals. NAMMCO/SC/19-JCNB/SWG/2012-JWG/10
Witting L (2011) On population dynamics of eastern Canada - West Greenland bowhead whales. IWC/SC/63/AWMP3
Witting L (2011) On population dynamics of West Greenland humpback whales. IWC/ SC/63/AWMP2
Born EW, DM Boertmann, MP Heide-Jørgensen, R Dietz R, L Witting, L Kyhn, S Fossette, FF Riget, KL Laidre, and F Ugarte (2009) Abundance of Atlantic Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in East Greenland, NAMMCO/SC/17/WWG/07
Heide-Jørgensen MP, L Witting, KL Laidre and RG Hansen (2009) Revised estimates of minke whale abundance in West Greenland in 2007. 19pp. IWC SC Madeira SC/61/AWMP4
Heide-Jørgensen MP, L Witting, KL Laidre, RG Hansen and M Rasmussen (2009) Fully corrected estimates of minke whale abundance in West Greenland in 2007. SC/M09/AWMP3
Witting L & E Garde Life history parameters and population dynamic growth rate of Greenland narwhals. NAMMCO/SC/16- JCNB/SWG/2009-JWG/23
Witting L & MP Heide-Jørgensen (2009) Assessment runs for East Greenland narwhal. NAMMCO/SC/16-JCNB/ SWG/2009-JWG/10
Witting L & MP Heide-Jørgensen (2009) Assessment runs for West Greenland beluga. NAMMCO/SC/16-JCNB/SWG/2009-JWG/11
Witting L & MP Heide-Jørgensen (2009) Assessment runs for West Greenland narwhal. NAMMCO/SC/16-JCNB/ SWG/2009-JWG/9
Witting L & T Schweder (2009) Lower confidence bound on population status from catch sex ratio: applied to minke whales off West Greenland. IWC/SC/M09/AWMP2 and SC/61/AWMP5
Witting L (2009) Model uncertainty on assessments of West Greenland beluga and narwhals. NAMMCO/SC/16-JCNB/ SWG/2009-JWG/12
Witting L (2009) Yield and need conversion in the Greenland take of minke and fin whales. IWC/SC/61/AWMP8
Witting L, EW Born & R Stewart (2009) A reassessment of Greenland walrus populations. NAMMCO/SC/17/WWG/05
Pampoulie, C. Danielsdottir, A. K., Berube, M., Palsbøll, P. J., Arnason, A., Gunnlaugsson, T., Ólafsdottir, D., Øien, N., Witting, L. and Vikungsson, G. A. 2008. Lack of genetic divergence among samples of the North Atlantic fin whale collected at feeding grounds: congruence among microsatellite loci and mtDNA in the new Icelandic dataset. IWC/SC/60/PFI11.
Witting, L. and Schweder, T. 2008. Lower confidence bound on population status from catch sex ratio: applied to minke whales off West Greenland. IWC/SC/M08/AWMP2 and SC/60/AWMP1.
Desportes, G., Pike, D., Gunnlaugsson, T., Mikkelsen, B., Lawson, J., Simon, M., Víkingsson, G., Witting, L., Øien, N., Zabavnikov, V. and Acquarone, M. Trans North Atlantic Sightings Survey – TNASS 2007. IWC/SC/59/O19.
Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., Borchers, D. L., Witting, L., Simon, M. J., Laidre, K. L., Rosing-Asvid, A., Pike, D. G. 2007. Final estimates of large whale abundance in West Greenland waters from an aerial survey in 2005. IWC/SC/59/AWMP7.
Simon, M., Kingsley, M. and Witting, L. 2007. Biological parameters and the seasonal and spatial distribution of minke whale catch off West Greenland, 1987–2006. IWC/SC/59/AWMP3.
Simon, M., Kingsley, M. and Witting, L. 2007. Seasonal and spatial distribution and sex ratio of fin whale catches off West Greenland, 1987—2006. IWC/SC/59/AWMP2.
Witting, L. 2007. Assessment methods for minke whales off West Greenland. IWC/SC/59/AWMP6.
Witting, L. 2007. Assessment methods for minke whales off West Greenland. IWC/SC/MO7/AWMP6.
Witting, L. 2007. Population dynamics of fin whales off West Greenland. IWC/SC/59/AWMP4.
Witting, L. 2007. Population dynamics of fin whales off West Greenland. IWC/SC/MO7/AWMP4.
Witting, L. 2007. Population dynamics of humpback whales off West Greenland. IWC/SC/MO7/AWMP5.
Witting, L. 2007. Population dynamics ofhumpback whales off West Greenland. IWC/SC/59/AWMP5.
Danielsdottir, A. K., Berube, M., Palsbøl, P. J., Stefansson, M. Ö., Thorgilsson, B., Ragnarsdottir, A., Arnason, A., Gunnlaugsson, T., Olafsdottir, D., Øien, N., Witting, L., Pampoulie, C. and Vikingsson, G. A. 2006. Genetic stock structure of North Atlantic fin whales based on further analyses of microsatellite data. IWC/SC/58/PF17.
Danielsdottir, A. K., Berube, M., Palsbøl, P. J., Stefansson, M. Ø., Thorgilsson, B., Jörundsdottir, T. D., Ragnarsdottir, A., Arnason, A., Gunnlaugsson, T., Olafsdottir, D., Øien, N., Witting, L., Pampoulie, C. and Vikingsson, G. A. 2006. Genetic stock delineation of fin whales. NAMMCO/SC/14/FW/3 & IWC/M06/FW5.
Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., Borchers, D. L., Witting, L., Simon, M. J., Laidre, K. L., Rosing-Asvid, A. and Pike, D. 2006. Preliminary analyses of the 2005 aerial survey (SC/58/AWMP7) of large whale abundance in West Greenland. IWC/SC/58/AWMP9.
Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., Borchers, D. L., Witting, L., Simon, M. J., Laidre, K. L., Rosing-Asvid, A. and Pike, D. 2006. Summary of an aerial survey of large whales in West Greenland in 2005. IWC/SC/58/AWMP7.
Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., Borchers, D.L., Witting, L., Simon, M.J., Laidre, K.L., Rosing-Asvid, A. and Pike, D. Preliminary analyses of the 2005 aerial survey (SC/58/AWMP7) of large whale abundance in West Greenland. IWC SC/58/AWMP9. 12pp.
Witting, L. 2006. A sex ratio based assessment of common minke whales off West Greenland. IWC/SC/58/AWMP3.
Witting, L. 2006. Sex ratio based SLA simulations for common minke whales off West Greenland. IWC/SC/58/AWMP4.
Danielsdottir, A.K., M.Ö. Stefansson, B.Thorgilsson,T.D. Jörundsdottir, A. Ragnarsdottir, A. Arnason, T. Gunnlaugsson, G.A.Vikingsson, D. Olafsdottir, M. Berube, P.J. Palsbøl, N. Øien, L.Witting & C. Pampoulie, 2005. Genetic analysis of North Atlantic fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus): Is there more than one breeding unit at the feeding ground west off Iceland? IWC paper SC/57/PF14
Kingsley, M.C.S. & L.Witting, 2005. Intern rapport til den grønlandske delegation til det 57. møde i den Internationale Hvalfangstkommissions Videnskabelige Komite.
Palsbøll, P. J., M. Bèrubè, L.W. Andersen & L.Witting, 2005. Individual assignment and migrant detection probabilities at high levels of gene flow. how many loci and samples to estimate the proportion immigrant minke whales off West Greenland. IWC Paper SC/57/AWMP11
Witting, L. & D.G. Pike. Applying aerial digital photo based stripwidth surveys to minke whales. IWC Paper SC/57/AWMP2
Witting, L. & M. Kingsley, 2005. Abundance of marine mammals off West Greenland, 2002-2004. IWC Paper SC/57/AWMP3
Witting, L., 2005. Aerial image estimation of minke whale surface time. IWC Paper SC/57/AWMP1
Witting, L., 2005. An assessment of fin whales off West Greenland. IWC Paper SC/57/AWMP5
Witting, L., 2005. An assessment of minke whales off West Greenland. IWC Paper SC/57/AWMP4
Witting, L. & D. Pike, 2004. On the efficiency of aerial photography surveys for minke whales relative to cue counting surveys. IWC Working Paper, SC/MO4/AWMP3.
Witting, L. & D. Pike, 2004.Distance estimation experiment for aerial minke whale surveys. IWC Working Paper, SC/MO4/AWMP2.
Witting, L. & M.C.S. Kingsley, 2004. West Greenland photo survey 2004. IWC Working Paper, SC/56/AWMP1.
Witting, L., 2004. Aerial image estimation of minke whale surface time. IWC Working Paper, SC/MO4/AWMP1.
Witting, L., 2004. An assessment of West Greenland narwhals, excluding Mellville Bay. NAMMCO/JCNB Working Paper, NAMMCO/SC/12-JCNB/SWG/2004-JWG/17.
Witting, L., 2004. Selecting optimal Strike Limit Algorithms. IWC Working Paper, SC/MO4/AWMP4.
Witting, L., 2004. Some extra IUD sub-models. NAMMCO/JCNB Working Paper, NAMMCO/SC/12-JCNB/SWG/2004-JWG/23.
Witting, L. & M.C.S. Kingsley, 2003. Intern rapport til den Grønlandske delegation. Det 55. møde for den Internationale Hvalfangstkommissions Videnskabelige Komité.
Witting, L., 2003. On the development of a model uncertainty based Strike Limit Algorithm. IWC Working Paper SC/55/AWMP5.
Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., L. Witting, M.V. Jensen & L. Dueck, 2001. Inshore-offshore movements of a fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus, in West Greenland. IWC working Paper SC/53/O2.
Kingsley, M.C.S. & L. Witting, 2001. A preliminary analysis of aerial survey observations of humpback whales in Greenland waters. IWC working paper SC/53/NAH23.
Witting, L., 2001. Model uncertainty in the assessment of West Greenland Belugas: Inertial versus traditional density regulated population dynamics. NAMMCO Working Paper SC/9/BN/8.
Witting, L., 2001. On inertial dynamics in whale populations. The case of the Eastern North Pacific Gray Whale. IWC working paper SC/53/AWMP6.
Kingsley, M.C.S., L. Witting & A. Landa, 2000. Design considerations for surveys of Minke and fin whales in Greenland waters offshore. IWC Scientific Committee Working Paper SC/52/AS7.
Kingsley, M.C.S., L. Witting & A. Landa, 2000. Offshore survey for large cetaceans in Greenland waters. IWC working paper SC/52/AS7.
Witting, L., 2000. A feasibility study on biopsy sampling from West Greenland minke whales. SC/52/AS1.
Witting, L., 2000. Indices of biological parameters for large cetaceans caught in Greenland, 1988-1999. SC/52/AS3.
Witting, L., 2000. On the exploitation of populations selected by density dependent competitive interactions. IWC working paper SC/D2K/AWMP6.
Witting, L., 2000. Protocol for the West Greenland Inshore Sighting Survey 2000. SC/52/AS6.
Witting, L., 2000. Seasonal and geographical distribution of catches of minke and fin whales in West Greenland 1988-99. SC/52/AS2.
Witting, L., M. V. Jensen, L. Dueck, L. Numminen & M.P. Heide-Jørgensen, 2000. A feasibility study on tagging and biopsy sampling of West Greenland minke and fin whales. IWC working paper SC/D2K/AWMP5.
Witting, L., M.C.S. Kingsley, M.P. Heide Jørgensen, E. Born & A. Landa, 2000. A Greenland monitoring program for large cetaceans. SC/52/AS4.
Witting, L., M.P. Heide-Jørgensen & M.C.S. Kingsley, 2000. Survey plans for large cetaceans in Greenland 2001. NAMMCO working paper SC/9/AE/7.
Witting, L. 1999. Review of Greenland fin whales. NAMMCO Working Paper SC/7/ FW/11. 4 pp.
Witting, L. 1999. Total catch optimisation of catch control laws for subsistence whaling. IWC Working Paper SC/51/AWMP6. 7 pp.
Witting, L. 1999. Uncertainty optimisation of management procedures. IWC Working Paper SC/51/AWMP7. 10 pp.