Reports – Fish and Shellfish
Christensen HT, Merkel F, Hedeholm RB, Lumpfish fishermen in Godthåbsfjorden (2019 Note on the project: Bycatch in the lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) fishery in the Nuuk area, West Greenland, during the 2019 fishing season
Blicher ME and Hammeken Arboe N (2017) Evaluation of common standards for benthos monitoring in the Arctic-Atlantic – pilot study in Greenland (INAMon). Technical Report nr. 105
Burmeister A, Christensen HT (2017) Forsøgs- og udviklingsfiskeri efter rejer i Melville Bugen 2014 -2017. Pinngortitaleriffik, Teknisk rapport nr. 103
Burmeister A, Christensen HT (2016) Forsøgs- og udviklingsfiskeri efter rejer i Melville Bugen 2014 og 2015. Teknisk rapport nr 101 Pinngortitaleriffik, Grønlands Naturinstitut
Nøttestad L, Anthonypillai V, Tangen Ø, Høines Å, Utne KR, Óskarsson GJ, Ólafsdóttir AH, Jónsson SÞ, Jacobsen JA, Smith L, Jansen T, Post S (2016). Cruise report from the International Ecosystem Summer Survey in the Nordic Seas (IESSNS) with M/V ”M. Ytterstad”, M/V “Vendla”, M/V “Tróndur í Gøtu”, M/V “Finnur Fríði” and R/V “Árni Friðriksson”, 1 – 31 July 2016
Ruth A (2016) Metabolic responce-and capacity of the Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in a changing climate. Specialerapport ved Marin biologisk sektion, KU. Nov 2016, 68 sider
Stenberg C, Ribergaard MH, Boje J, Sundby S (2016) Larval drift and settling of Greenland halibut (R. hippoglossoides Walbaum) in Northwest Atlantic with special focus on Greenlandic waters. Report Danish Meteorological Institute. ISSN:13991388 DMI Report No. 16-21
Blicher ME, Hammeken Arboe N, Jørgensen LL, Burmeister AD, Gudmundson G, Olafsdottir SH, Sørensen J, Kenchington E, Archambault P (2015). Development of minimum standards for long-term monitoring of marine bottom-living fauna communities in the Arctic-Atlantic: Pilot study in Greenland. Technical Report no. 94. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
Henriksen O (2015) Genetic insights into the population composition of two regional inshore mixed stocks of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in West Greenland. Specialerapport ved DTU Aqua, Juli 2015, 82 sider
Danielsen NST (2014) The trophic role of northern sandlance (Ammodytes dubius, Reinhardt 1837) on Fyllas Bank, West Greenland: Seasonal changes in diet and lipid content, Specialerapport ved Århus Universitet, Vejleder R. Hedeholm, august, 41 sider
Juul-Pedersen T, Arendt KE, Mortensen J, Krawczyk D, Rysgaard S, Retzel A, Nygaard R, Burmeister AD, Krause-Jensen D, Marbà N, Olesen B, Sejr MK, Blicher ME, Meire L, Geertz-Hansen O, Labansen AL, Boye T and Simon M. The MarineBasis programme 2013. In Jensen LM and Christensen TR (eds.) 2014. Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 7th Annual Report, Aarhus University, DCE – Danish centre for Environment and Energy. 94 pp
Behrens, J, Neuenfeldt S, Sparrevohn CR, Eigaard O, Boje J (2013) Seasonal migrations, vertical activity and thermal experience of Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum) in west Greenland waters. Poster presented at: Society of Experimental Biology, Annual Main Meeting, Valencia July 2013
Juul-Pedersen T, Arendt KE, Mortensen J, Rysgaard S, Søgaard DH, Retzel A, Nygaard R, Burmeister A, Sejr KK, Blicher ME, Krause-Jensen D, Marbà N, Merzouk A, Labansen AL, Geertz-Hansen O, Boye T, Simon M (2013) Nuuk Basic: The MarineBasic programme, in: Jensen LM, Rasch M (eds.) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 6th Annual Report, 2012. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy. 92 pp
Burmeister A, Siegstad H, Arboe NH, Jørgensen O, Retzel A, Hedeholm R, Nygaard R, Ziemer N, Frederiksen M (2012) Fish and Shellfish, pp 48-57
Burmeister AD (2012) Asessment of snow crab in West Greenland 2013 and 2014. Teknisk Rapport nr. 88, Pinngortitaleriffik, Grønlands Naturinstitut, 45 pp
Burmeister AD, Hammeken N, Hedeholm R, Nygaard R, Retzel A, Siegstad H (2012) Fish and shellfish, pp 48-57
Burmeister AD, Hammeken N, Hedeholm R, Nygaard R, Retzel A, Siegstad H (2012) The commercial fisheries, pp 95- 98
Burmeister AD, Siegstad H, Hammeken Arboe N, Jørgensen O, Retzel A, Hedeholm R, Nygaard R, Ziemer N, Frederiksen M, Merkel F, Clausen D (2012) Fisk og Skaldyr
Juul-Pedersen T, Arendt KE, Mortensen J, Retzel A, Burmeister AD, Sejr MK, Blicher M, Krause-Jensen D, Olesen B, Labansen AL, Rasmussen LM, Witting L, Boye T, Simon M, Rysgaard S (2011) Nuuk Basic; The MarinBasis Program. In Jensen LM (ed.) (2012) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 5th Annual Report, 2012. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 84 pp
Juul-Pedersen T, Arendt KE., Mortensen J, Retzel A, Nygaard R., Burmeister A, Sejr MK, Blicher ME, Krause-Jensen K, Olesen B, Labansen AL, Rasmussen LM, Witting L, Boye T,Simon M, Rysgaard S (2012) The MarineBasic programme 2011. In Jensen LM, Rasch M (eds.) (2012) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 5th Annual Report, 2011. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish centre for Environment and Energy. 84pp
Roe P (2012) Growth variability in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) near its northern range of distribution. Specialerapport ved Aarhus Universitet, 49 pp
Sünksen K, Jørgensen O, Schiedek D (2012) Fish, pp 62-70
Burmeister A (2011) p. 78-84 in ICES. 2011. Report of the Working Group on the Biology and Life History of Crabs (WGCRAB), June 7.-10. 2011, ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark ICES CM 2011/SSGEF: 20.106 pp.
Hedeholm R, Frankowski J, and Møller PR (2011) Nuuk Eel survey, 2011, Intern rapport
Juul-Pedersen T, Rysgaard S, Batty P, Mortensen J, Arendt KE, Retzel A, Nygaard R, Burmeister A, Søgaard DH, Martinsen W, Sejr MK, Blicher ME, Krause-Jensen K, Christensen PB, Marbà N, Olesen B, Labansen AL, Rasmussen LM, Witting L, Boye T, and Simon M (2011) The MarineBasic programme 2010. In: Jensen LM and Rasch M (eds.) 2011. Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 4th Annual Report, 2010, Aarhus University, DCE – Danish centre for Environment and Energy, p 84
Retzel A (2011) Forsøgsfiskeri med norsk linefartøj i Grønlandsk farvand 2010. Intern rapport Rosing-Asvid A, Dietz R, Teilmann J, Olsen MT and Andersen SM (2011) Preliminary report about seals and their sensitivity to oil-exploration in South Greenland. The Greenland Institute of Natural Resources / The Danish National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Arctic Environment, p 22
Burmeister AD (2010) Assessment of snow crab in West Greenland 2011. Teknisk Rapport nr. 83, Pinngortitaleriffik, Grønlands Naturinstitut, 57pp
Fjørtoft KL, BT Nystrand, L Hansen, J Boje and J Kennedy (2010) Utnyttelse av bifangsten Isgalt (Nordlig skolæst) i Grønland. Rapport MA 10/19 Møreforskning Marin
Hedeholm R (2010) The importance of small pelagic fishes to the energy flow in marine ecosystems: the Greenlandic capelin. Ph.D. Dissertation. Aarhus University. 217pp
Juul-Pedersen T, S Rysgaard, P Batty, J Mortensen, A Retzel, R Nygaard, A Burmeister,D Søgaard, W Martinsen, MK Sejr, M Blicher, D Krause-Jensen, PB Christensen, N Marbà, B Olesen, AL Labansen, LM Rasmussen, L Witting, M Simon and F Ugarte (2010) The MarinBasis programme. In: Jensen LM and Rasch M (eds.) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 3nd Annual Report, 2009 National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark
Gundersen AC, JE Dyb, I Fossen, J Boje, K Sünksen, K Helle, ÅS Høines and E Hjørleifsson (2009) Electronic catch recordings for scientific and commercial use. Møreforsking Rapport no. Å0916, ISSN 0804-5380
Juul-Pedersen T, S Rysgaard, P Batty, J Mortensen, A Retzel, R Nygaard, A Burmeister, DM Mikkelsen, MK Sejr, ME Blicher, D Krause-Jensen, PB Christensen, AL Labansen, LM Rasmussen, M Simon, TK Boye, PT Madsen, F Ugarte (2009) The MarinBasis programme. In: LM Jensen and M Rasch (eds.) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 2nd Annual Report, 2008 National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark
Nygaard et al. (2008) Biomass and Abundance of Demersal Fish Stocks off West Greenland Estimated from the Greenland Shrimp Survey, 1988-2008. NAFO SCR Doc 09/20 Serial No. N5654
Retzel A. West Greenland gillnet survey for juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) pp. 60. In LM Jensen & M Rasch (eds) 2009. Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 2nd Annual Report, 2008. National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark
Burmeister, AD. 2008. Asessment of snow crab in West Greenland 2008 Teknisk Rapport nr.74, Pinngortitaleriffik, Grønlands Naturinstitut, 48 pp.
Mikkelsen, D. M., Rysgaard, S., Mortensen, J., Retzel, A., Nygaard, R., Juul-Pedersen, T., Sejr, M., Blicher, M., Krause-Jensen, D., Christensen, P. B., Labansen, A. L., Egevang, C., Witting, L., Boye, T. K., Simon, M. (2008) Nuuk Basic: The Marine Basic Program 2007. In Jensen LM and Rasch M (Eds.) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 1st Annual Report, 2007 – Copenhagen, Danish Polar Center, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Mikkelsen, D.M.; Rysgaard, S.; Mortensen, J.; Retzel A.;Nygaard, R.; Juul-Pedersen, T.; Sejr, M.K.; Blicher, M.E.; Krause-Jensen, D.; Christensen, P.B.; Labansen, A.L.; Egevang, C.; Witting, L.; Boye, T.B. & Simon, M. (2008). NuukBasic: the MarineBasic monitoring program 2007.
Mikkelsen, DM, S. Rysgaard, J. Mortensen, Retzel, R. Nygaard, T. Juul- Pedersen, M. K. Sejr, M. E. Blicher, D. Krause-Jensen, P. Bondo Christensen, A. Labansen, C. Egevang, L. Witting, T. K. Boye, M. Simon, J. Nymand, P. Aastrup and M. Frederiksen 2008. ”The MarineBasic Programme 2007” i Jensen, L.M. & Rasch, M. (Eds.) 2008. Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 1st Annual report, 2007. Danish Polar Center, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, 2008.
Burmeister, A & Siegstad, H., 2007. Assessment of Snow Crab in West Greenland 2008. Pinngortitaleriffik, Teknisk rapport nr. 68, 51 pp.
Løkkegaard, J.,Levring Andersen, J., Boje, J., Frost, H., and Hovgaard, H. (2007) Report on the Faroese Fisheries Regulation – The Faroe Model. FOI Report no 193, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen. 153 p.
Stenberg, C. Recruitment processes in Westgreenland Waters. Dissertation for degree philosophia doctor (Ph D). University of Bergen, 2007. ISBN 987-82-0444-5.
Bergström B.and H.Vilhjalmarsson 2006 Cruise report and preliminary results of the Acoustic / pelagic trawl survey off West Greenland for capelin and polar cod 2006 with R/V Bjarni Sæmundson. Technical report Greenland Institute of Natural resources. In press. 105pp
Brander, K., G. Ottensen, K. Wieland & G. Lilly (2006): Decline and recovery of North Atlantic cod stocks. GLOBEC International Newsletter 12 (2): 10-12.
Carl, J. & AD. Burmeister, 2006. Assessment of Snow Crab in West Greenland 2007. Pinngortitaleriffik – Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, 54pp.
Kingsley, M.C.S. (editor). 2006. The Northern Common Eider: status, problems, solutions; report of an international workshop held at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk, 15.-17. February 2005. Tech. Report 64. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk, Greenland. v + 53 pp.
Overgaard, T. & J. Carl, J., 2006. Implementation Plans for Salmon Management in Greenland 2007 – 2011. North Atlantic Salmon Commission Organisation NASCO Report, 9pp.
Vilhjalmarsson, H., K. Wieland & B. Bergström (2006): Hydrography, plankton and fish. In: H. Vilhjalmarsson & B. Bergström (eds.): Report on the acoustic pelagic trawl survey off West Greenland for capelin and polar cod with R/V Bjarni Sæmundson during 2 September – 6 October 2005. Technical report no. ##, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources.
Wieland, K. & C. Hvingel (2006): Changes in stock biomass, recruitment and size of Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in West Greenland waters – environmental or fishery effects? In: D. Orr (ed.): Shrimp and its environment in the Northwest Atlantic – implications for forecasting abundance and population dynamics. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Proceed. Ser. 2006/017: 44-50.
Carl, J. & A. Burmeister, 2005. Assessment of Snow Crab in West Greenland 2005. Pinngortitaleriffik, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, 68pp.
Glahder, C.M., G. Asmund, G. Josefson, H. Jespersen & A. Burmeister, 2005. Nalunaq environmental baseline study 1998-2001. NERI Technical Report,No. 562, 94 pp.
Burmeister, A.D., J. Carl & H. Siegstad, 2004. Krabberådgivning 2005 (Krabber i Vestgrønland), Grønlands Naturinstitut: 7pp.
Frandsen, R. & K. Zumholz, 2004. Cephalopods in Greenland Waters – a field guide. Pinngortitaleriffik, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources,Technical report No. 58. 26 pp.
Frandsen, R. & K.Wieland, 2004. Cephalopods in Greenland Waters. Pinngortitaleriffik, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources,Technical report No. 57. 19 pp.
Kingsley, M. & L.Witting, 2004. Intern rapport til den grønlandske delegation til det 56. møde i den Internationale Hvalfangstkommisions (IWC) Videnskabelige Komite.
Løkkegaard, J., J. Andersen, J. Boje, H. Frost & H. Hovgård, 2004. Rapport om den færøske regulering af fiskeriet. Færømodellen. Fødevareøkonomisk Institut, Rapport nr. 166. 147 pp.
Nyeland, J., 2004. Monitering af havfuglekolonier i Maniitsoq Kommune 2003. Pinngortitaleriffik, Teknisk rapport nr. 59. 28 pp.
Siegel,V.,V. Loeb, B. Bergström, S. Schöling,M. Haraldsson, J. Kitchener & M. Vortkamp, 2004. Demography of Antarctic Krill in the Lazarev Sea (Subarea 48.6) and the Elephant Island area (Subarea 48.1) in 2004. CCAMLR WG-EMM 04, mimeo.
Wieland, K. & P. Kanneworff, 2004. Revision of depth contours and stratification of the West Greenland Bottom Trawl Survey for Northern shrimp.Technical report No. 56, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources.
Wieland, K., P. Kanneworff & B. Bergström, 2004. Results of the Greenland Bottom Trawl Survey for Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) off West Greenland (NAFO Subarea 1 and Division 0A), 1988-2004. NAFO Scientific council meeting October/November 2004, NAFO SCR Doc. 04/72 Serial No. N5042, mimeo.
Burmeister, A.D. & P. Kanneworff, 2003. Stock assessment on snow crab in Greenland. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources. Intern rapport.
Albert, O.T., J. Boje, W.R. Bowering, B. Brodie, A. Gundersen, E. Hjörleifsson, Å. Høines, S. Junquera, O.A. Jørgensen, J. Reinert, C.S. Simonsen & M. Treble, 2002. Greenland halibut – Biology and population dynamics. State of the art and identification of research needs. Based on a Nordic Workshop. Ed. J.Boje. TemaNord 2002: 543.
Gundersen, A.C., C.S. Simonsen & E. Hjørleifsson, 2002. Synopsis. In: Gundersen, A.C. (ed.). Reproduction of West-Nordic Greenland halibut. Studies reflecting on maturity, fecundity, spawning and TEP. TemaNord 2002, nr. 519: 19-36.
Gundersen, A.C., J. Boje, O.A. Jørgensen, E. Hjörleifsson, C.S. Simonsen, I. Fossen, L.H. Ofstad & H.J. Rätz, 2002. Variability in fecundity and total egg production for West-Nordic Greenland halibut. In: Gundersen, A.C. (ed.). Reproduction of West-Nordic Greenland halibut. Studies reflecting on maturity, fecundity, spawning and TEP. TemaNord 2002, nr. 519.
Gundersen, A.C., W. Emblem, A.H. Hellevik, J.E. Rønneberg & J. Boje, 2002. Fecundity of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in East-Greenland waters 1997-2000. In: Gundersen, A.C. (ed.). Reproduction of West-Nordic Greenland halibut. Studies reflecting on maturity, Saqqummersitat Udgivelser fecundity, spawning and TEP. TemaNord 2002, nr. 519.
Jarre, A. (ed.), 2002. Workshop „Ecosystem West-Greenland“: A stepping stone towards an integrate marine research programme. Inussuk, Arctic Research Journal No. 2002-1. 99 pp.
Simonsen, C.S. & A.C. Gundersen, 2002. Maturity of Greenland halibut (R. hippoglossoides) in the fjords of Northwest Greenland. In: Gundersen, A.C. (ed.). Reproduction of West-Nordic Greenland halibut. Studies reflecting on maturity, fecundity, spawning and TEP. TemaNord 2002, nr. 519: 97-117.
Tuene, S., A.C. Gundersen, W. Emblem, I. Fossen, J. Boje, P. Steingrund & L.H. Ofstad, 2002. Maturation and occurrence of atresia in oocytes of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides W.) in the waters of East Greenland, Faroe Islands and Hatton Bank. In: Reproduction of West-Nordic Greenland halibut. Studies reflecting on maturity, fecundity, spawning and TEP. TemaNord 2002: 519.
Gundersen, A.C., W.M. Emblem, A.H. Hellevik, J.E. Rønneberg & J. Boje, 2001. Fekunditet hos blåkveite (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) ved Øst-Grønland 1997-2000. Delraport 3 for projektet ”Fekunditet og kjønnsmodning hos Vestnordisk forvaltningenhet av blåkveite”. Rapport nr. 0021, Møreforsking, Ålesund. 30 pp.
Øvrige rapporter – Fisk og Skaldyr
Christensen HT, Merkel F, Hedeholm RB, Lumpfish fishermen in Godthåbsfjorden (2019 Note on the project: Bycatch in the lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) fishery in the Nuuk area, West Greenland, during the 2019 fishing season
Blicher ME and Hammeken Arboe N (2017) Evaluation of common standards for benthos monitoring in the Arctic-Atlantic – pilot study in Greenland (INAMon). Technical Report nr. 105
Burmeister A, Christensen HT (2017) Forsøgs- og udviklingsfiskeri efter rejer i Melville Bugen 2014 -2017. Pinngortitaleriffik, Teknisk rapport nr. 103
Burmeister A, Christensen HT (2016) Forsøgs- og udviklingsfiskeri efter rejer i Melville Bugen 2014 og 2015. Teknisk rapport nr 101 Pinngortitaleriffik, Grønlands Naturinstitut
Nøttestad L, Anthonypillai V, Tangen Ø, Høines Å, Utne KR, Óskarsson GJ, Ólafsdóttir AH, Jónsson SÞ, Jacobsen JA, Smith L, Jansen T, Post S (2016). Cruise report from the International Ecosystem Summer Survey in the Nordic Seas (IESSNS) with M/V ”M. Ytterstad”, M/V “Vendla”, M/V “Tróndur í Gøtu”, M/V “Finnur Fríði” and R/V “Árni Friðriksson”, 1 – 31 July 2016
Ruth A (2016) Metabolic responce-and capacity of the Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in a changing climate. Specialerapport ved Marin biologisk sektion, KU. Nov 2016, 68 sider
Stenberg C, Ribergaard MH, Boje J, Sundby S (2016) Larval drift and settling of Greenland halibut (R. hippoglossoides Walbaum) in Northwest Atlantic with special focus on Greenlandic waters. Report Danish Meteorological Institute. ISSN:13991388 DMI Report No. 16-21
Blicher ME, Hammeken Arboe N, Jørgensen LL, Burmeister AD, Gudmundson G, Olafsdottir SH, Sørensen J, Kenchington E, Archambault P (2015). Development of minimum standards for long-term monitoring of marine bottom-living fauna communities in the Arctic-Atlantic: Pilot study in Greenland. Technical Report no. 94. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
Henriksen O (2015) Genetic insights into the population composition of two regional inshore mixed stocks of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in West Greenland. Specialerapport ved DTU Aqua, Juli 2015, 82 sider
Danielsen NST (2014) The trophic role of northern sandlance (Ammodytes dubius, Reinhardt 1837) on Fyllas Bank, West Greenland: Seasonal changes in diet and lipid content, Specialerapport ved Århus Universitet, Vejleder R. Hedeholm, august, 41 sider
Juul-Pedersen T, Arendt KE, Mortensen J, Krawczyk D, Rysgaard S, Retzel A, Nygaard R, Burmeister AD, Krause-Jensen D, Marbà N, Olesen B, Sejr MK, Blicher ME, Meire L, Geertz-Hansen O, Labansen AL, Boye T and Simon M. The MarineBasis programme 2013. In Jensen LM and Christensen TR (eds.) 2014. Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 7th Annual Report, Aarhus University, DCE – Danish centre for Environment and Energy. 94 pp
Behrens, J, Neuenfeldt S, Sparrevohn CR, Eigaard O, Boje J (2013) Seasonal migrations, vertical activity and thermal experience of Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum) in west Greenland waters. Poster presented at: Society of Experimental Biology, Annual Main Meeting, Valencia July 2013
Juul-Pedersen T, Arendt KE, Mortensen J, Rysgaard S, Søgaard DH, Retzel A, Nygaard R, Burmeister A, Sejr KK, Blicher ME, Krause-Jensen D, Marbà N, Merzouk A, Labansen AL, Geertz-Hansen O, Boye T, Simon M (2013) Nuuk Basic: The MarineBasic programme, in: Jensen LM, Rasch M (eds.) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 6th Annual Report, 2012. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy. 92 pp
Burmeister A, Siegstad H, Arboe NH, Jørgensen O, Retzel A, Hedeholm R, Nygaard R, Ziemer N, Frederiksen M (2012) Fish and Shellfish, pp 48-57
Burmeister AD (2012) Asessment of snow crab in West Greenland 2013 and 2014. Teknisk Rapport nr. 88, Pinngortitaleriffik, Grønlands Naturinstitut, 45 pp
Burmeister AD, Hammeken N, Hedeholm R, Nygaard R, Retzel A, Siegstad H (2012) Fish and shellfish, pp 48-57
Burmeister AD, Hammeken N, Hedeholm R, Nygaard R, Retzel A, Siegstad H (2012) The commercial fisheries, pp 95- 98
Burmeister AD, Siegstad H, Hammeken Arboe N, Jørgensen O, Retzel A, Hedeholm R, Nygaard R, Ziemer N, Frederiksen M, Merkel F, Clausen D (2012) Fisk og Skaldyr
Juul-Pedersen T, Arendt KE, Mortensen J, Retzel A, Burmeister AD, Sejr MK, Blicher M, Krause-Jensen D, Olesen B, Labansen AL, Rasmussen LM, Witting L, Boye T, Simon M, Rysgaard S (2011) Nuuk Basic; The MarinBasis Program. In Jensen LM (ed.) (2012) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 5th Annual Report, 2012. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 84 pp
Juul-Pedersen T, Arendt KE., Mortensen J, Retzel A, Nygaard R., Burmeister A, Sejr MK, Blicher ME, Krause-Jensen K, Olesen B, Labansen AL, Rasmussen LM, Witting L, Boye T,Simon M, Rysgaard S (2012) The MarineBasic programme 2011. In Jensen LM, Rasch M (eds.) (2012) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 5th Annual Report, 2011. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish centre for Environment and Energy. 84pp
Roe P (2012) Growth variability in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) near its northern range of distribution. Specialerapport ved Aarhus Universitet, 49 pp
Sünksen K, Jørgensen O, Schiedek D (2012) Fish, pp 62-70
Burmeister A (2011) p. 78-84 in ICES. 2011. Report of the Working Group on the Biology and Life History of Crabs (WGCRAB), June 7.-10. 2011, ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark ICES CM 2011/SSGEF: 20.106 pp.
Hedeholm R, Frankowski J, and Møller PR (2011) Nuuk Eel survey, 2011, Intern rapport
Juul-Pedersen T, Rysgaard S, Batty P, Mortensen J, Arendt KE, Retzel A, Nygaard R, Burmeister A, Søgaard DH, Martinsen W, Sejr MK, Blicher ME, Krause-Jensen K, Christensen PB, Marbà N, Olesen B, Labansen AL, Rasmussen LM, Witting L, Boye T, and Simon M (2011) The MarineBasic programme 2010. In: Jensen LM and Rasch M (eds.) 2011. Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 4th Annual Report, 2010, Aarhus University, DCE – Danish centre for Environment and Energy, p 84
Retzel A (2011) Forsøgsfiskeri med norsk linefartøj i Grønlandsk farvand 2010. Intern rapport Rosing-Asvid A, Dietz R, Teilmann J, Olsen MT and Andersen SM (2011) Preliminary report about seals and their sensitivity to oil-exploration in South Greenland. The Greenland Institute of Natural Resources / The Danish National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Arctic Environment, p 22
Burmeister AD (2010) Assessment of snow crab in West Greenland 2011. Teknisk Rapport nr. 83, Pinngortitaleriffik, Grønlands Naturinstitut, 57pp
Fjørtoft KL, BT Nystrand, L Hansen, J Boje and J Kennedy (2010) Utnyttelse av bifangsten Isgalt (Nordlig skolæst) i Grønland. Rapport MA 10/19 Møreforskning Marin
Hedeholm R (2010) The importance of small pelagic fishes to the energy flow in marine ecosystems: the Greenlandic capelin. Ph.D. Dissertation. Aarhus University. 217pp
Juul-Pedersen T, S Rysgaard, P Batty, J Mortensen, A Retzel, R Nygaard, A Burmeister,D Søgaard, W Martinsen, MK Sejr, M Blicher, D Krause-Jensen, PB Christensen, N Marbà, B Olesen, AL Labansen, LM Rasmussen, L Witting, M Simon and F Ugarte (2010) The MarinBasis programme. In: Jensen LM and Rasch M (eds.) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 3nd Annual Report, 2009 National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark
Gundersen AC, JE Dyb, I Fossen, J Boje, K Sünksen, K Helle, ÅS Høines and E Hjørleifsson (2009) Electronic catch recordings for scientific and commercial use. Møreforsking Rapport no. Å0916, ISSN 0804-5380
Juul-Pedersen T, S Rysgaard, P Batty, J Mortensen, A Retzel, R Nygaard, A Burmeister, DM Mikkelsen, MK Sejr, ME Blicher, D Krause-Jensen, PB Christensen, AL Labansen, LM Rasmussen, M Simon, TK Boye, PT Madsen, F Ugarte (2009) The MarinBasis programme. In: LM Jensen and M Rasch (eds.) Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 2nd Annual Report, 2008 National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark
Nygaard et al. (2008) Biomass and Abundance of Demersal Fish Stocks off West Greenland Estimated from the Greenland Shrimp Survey, 1988-2008. NAFO SCR Doc 09/20 Serial No. N5654
Retzel A. West Greenland gillnet survey for juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) pp. 60. In LM Jensen & M Rasch (eds) 2009. Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 2nd Annual Report, 2008. National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark
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