The climate centre gets access to new research house in 2010 in Daneborg Published 01.03.2010
The Zackenberg research station in North-East Greenland has been donated five mill. kroner by the Aage V. Jensens Foundations to establish a new 154 sq.m. research house at Daneborg, c. 25 km southeast of the Zackenberg main research station. The house will be build in the summer of 2010 in order to be ready for use in 2011.
The new research house is going to be used by the Greenland Climate Research Centre’s own MarinBasis Zackenberg research team. The house replaces the primitive facilities at the old Daneborg Weather station, which have been used as base by the researchers since 1994, when Søren Rysgaard began the marin research in the Young Sund area.
The research house is equipped with accommodation for ten people and with laboratory- and storage-facilities. The MarinBasis group already has a 144 sq.m., three year old house used for boats and other equipment.