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Three upcoming scientists awarded PhD grants for their Arctic research Published 27.09.2019

At its most recent meeting, the Greenland Research Council prioritised and nominated three applicants to each receive a PhD grant. The grants, supporting and encouraging Danish-Greenlandic research collaboration and strengthening the development of the research community in Greenland, are financed partly from the fund for Arctic Research via the Danish Finance Act and partly from the Government of Greenland’s funds for research promotion. The grants are administered by the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources.

Trine Louise Larsen will be enrolled at Ilisimatusarfik and the University of Southern Denmark with a PhD project concerning the use of artificial intelligence and telemedical solutions for studying diabetic eye diseases in Greenland.

Manh Coung Ngo will be registered at the University of Copenhagen with a PhD project about modelling the reactions of marine mammals to human-induced factors. The project will be carried out at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources.

Louise Andersen will be enrolled at Ilisimatusarfik with her PhD project: ”Schools design for students to go on to youth education programmes”.

In total, 25 applications for PhD and Postdoc projects were received, amounting to a total sum of DKK 53 million, but the funding of approx. DKK 7 million only allowed for three PhD grants.

For more information, please contact:
Director of the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources Klaus Nygaard on phone: +29 926 12 00 or email: nygaard@natur.gl

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