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Narwhals in the Greenland Science Week 2021 Published 29.10.2021

Researchers from the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources will hold the following presentations about their work with narwhals during the Greenland Science Week 2021 in Nuuk:

  • Narwhal seminar – Tuesday, November 9, 15:00-16:45 hrs., at the Pikialaarfik auditorium (the black building close to the University of Greenland and the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources) with these presentations, in English:
    • History of narwhal research (professor Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen)
    • Narwhal genetics: peculiarities and populations (postdoc Marie Louis)
    • Hitching a ride on a narwhal: Diving and acoustic behavior (researcher Outi Tervo)
    • The twisted tale of the narwhal tusk (researcher Eva Garde)
    • Narwhal, where are you? (senior advisor Rikke Hansen)
    • Narwhals in the sauna: The effects of climate change, (postdoc Philippine Chambault).
  • Arctic Research Days conference, The Narwhal in the Anthropocene – Thursday, November 11, 9:00-10:00 hrs., in Katuaq’s Hans Lynge Room, in English
    • Narwhals in peril (professor Mads Peter Heide Jørgensen)
    • The narwhal’s sense of silence (researcher Outi Tervo).
  • Public talks– Thursday, November, between 14:00 – 20:00 hrs., in Katuaq, Minor Hall
    • Science in Photos – 16:30 -17:00 hrs., Narhvaler: Fangst og forskning (researcher Eva Garde, in Danish)
  • Science cinema– Thursday, November 11, between 20:00 – 20:00 hrs., in Katuaq, Minor Hall
    • Biological parameters in a declining population of narwhals in Scoresby Sound, Southeast Greenland (a 4-minute-long film in English)

Several of these events will be available online at the website (www.natur.gl), Facebook and YouTube platforms of the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources


For further information, contact:
Head of Department for Birds and Mammals Fernando Ugarte phone: 36 12 00 email: feug@natur.gl

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