Greenlandic whale research yield solid advise Published 19.06.2009
The greenlandic effort in whale research has gained results in IWC‘s scientific commitee. For many years Greenland has been critisized that data on whale populations where not sufficient, but Greenland has no longer scientific problems in defending the catch. A large scientific effort yields solid advise for the four whale species that Greenland wishes to catch.
IWC’s scientific commitee met in Madeira in June, where senior scientists Lars Witting and Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources represented Greenland. The report will be dicussed on the annual meeting of IWC June 22th-26th, that will also decide on quotas based on the advise.
The result of the largest count to date produced an estimate of about 17.000 Minke Whales in 2007. A catch of 178 Minke Whales, 19 Fin Whales, 10 Humpback Whales and 2 Bowhead Whales in West Greenalnd and 12 Minke Whales in East Greenland was approved by the scientific ccommitee to be sustainable.
For more information contact
Senior scientist Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen (tel. +45 32833827, e-mail
Head of departement Fernando Ugarte, tel. +299 361242, e-mail