Scientists from GINR and GCRC in live chat Published 31.03.2010
Through the international educational program GoNorth! Adventure Learning Series from University of Minnesota, USA, students from 4,500 schools worldwide now have the chance to ask scientists at GINR and GCRC about shrimps, marine environment and sustainable exploitation of sea mammals. Friday at 1.00 p.m. on 23rd of April scientist Thomas Juul-Pedersen will answer questions on production and decomposition in the water column.
GoNorth! is a combined dog-sledge expedition and web-based on-line teaching material about Greenland. By using the program in their classrooms about 4500 schools in 30 different countries learn about Greenland, ecology and sustainability while following a dog-sledge expedition across Greenland.
The upcoming chat “World Resources” focuses on marine resources and how to ensure a sustainable exploitation of fish, shellfish and sea mammals in Greenlandic waters, a clean environment as well as cultural tolerance in the use of resources with particular focus on Greenland and Greenlandic conditions.
A weekly live chat session with relevance to the teaching materials gives the students the opportunity to ask questions to a field-expert.
The 45 minutes long on-line chat in English is recorded and uploaded on the internet, enabling teachers and students to make use of the information when the live-chat . According to Mille Porsild, the Danish program editor of Polar Husky and expedition leader, usually 600 to 1000 students take part in each chat.
On April 6th GCRC and GINR are on-line when Fernando Ugarte, Head of Department of Mammals and Birds, will answer questions about sea mammals. Friday at 2.00 p.m. on April 9th the scientists Nanette Hammeken and Nikoline Ziemer will answer questions concerning shrimps and shrimp fishery and finally, at 1.00 p.m. on April 23rd, scientist Thomas Juul-Pedersen will answer questions on marine ecology.
Participation is free and teachers may enter their classes via the following link:
Teaching material is available to all, but only schools have the opportunity to participate in the live-chat. Program pages
GoNorth! Curriculum and Activity Guide 2010 – Modul 3 “Ecology: Sustainable Development” the module running in the chat “World Resources”