Researchers/Senior researchers in two departments Published 13.10.2021

GINR is announces openings for positions for two researchers / senior researchers for the Department of Fish and Shellfish and The Greenland Climate Research Centre (GCRC)
Researcher/Senior researcher for the Department of Fish and Shellfish
The Fish and Shellfish Department at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GN) hereby announces an opening for a permanent position as a researcher/senior researcher within the area of fish and shell-fish stock assessment in Greenland. Stock assessment and advice regarding fish resources are crucial for Greenlandic society, because the fishing industry is the main pillar of Greenland’s economy.
GINR expects that the applicant is committed, flexible, and has good interpersonal skills and the desire to work in an international researcher environment. A knowledge of conditions in Greenland and the Greenlandic language would be an advantage.
Application deadline: 12th of November 2021
Read more about the position here
Researcher/Senior researcher in benthic ecology
The Greenland Climate Research Centre (GCRC) at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GN) invites applicants for a position as a researcher/senior researcher within the research field of marine benthic ecology.
The successful candidate will join an international group of active scientists conducting extensive research on marine ecology and oceanography aimed at understanding the ecological responses to natural variability and human influence. This presents exciting opportunities to contribute to and develop a research field that is increasingly important from a national management perspective due to a growing awareness of the sustainability of marine resource exploitation in Greenland. The position give access to a wide range of GCRC and GINR facilities, including a new research vessel (RV Tarajoq) and an extensive monitoring dataset.
Application deadline: 10th of November 2021
Read more about the position here