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Topping-out ceremony for new extension at GINR Published 08.09.2009

At 4.00 p.m. on September 9th GINR held a topping-out ceremony for an extension that will expand the institute by 820 m² covering 25 workplaces, depots, laboratories etc. Work on the extension has progressed quickly since the start in September 2008 and the building is expected ready for use by summer 2010.

Aage V. Jensens Foundations has donated more than DKK 30 M to the construction which is designed by KHR architects and built by contractors Permagreen. Both companies were previously involved in building the institute and the connected guesthouse.

“These new facilities will enable Greenland to make optimal use of international potentials and ensure important knowledge with regard to present and future challenges in nature”, says Director Klaus Nygaard and continues: “Because of increasing projects within the environmental and climatic field we needed this extension. Climatic processes in Greenland play a central global part and GINR has recently experienced a growing international interest in research collaboration. The Greenlandic society can profit by this focus and benefit from the built-up knowledge and competence in the administration of nature and in the adaptation to the expected impacts of climate change”.

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