Ministers visit Greenland Institute of Natural Resources and Greenland Climate Research Centre Published 12.08.2010
Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Charlotte Sahl-Madsen (Denmark) and Minister for Culture, Education, Research and Church Affairs, Mimi Karlsen (Greenland) recently paid a visit to the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources and the Greenland Climate Research Centre.
The ministers were briefed on the Institute’s research, monitoring and public outreach activities. Following a tour of the Institute, during which Klaus Nygaard presented the Institute’s history, organisation and work, Søren Rysgaard presented the results of the Climate Research Centre’s work over the past 16 months.
The Centre was established in collaboration between the Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources and University of Greenland, and is financed by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
The Minister expressed her satisfaction with the Centre’s work so far and the close cooperation between the many researchers and research institutions in Denmark, Greenland, Canada and a number of other countries.
Following the visit to the Institute, the Ministers and their entourage visited Kobbefjorden where a presentation was given of the monitoring programme “NuukBasis” and its collaboration with the Climate Research Centre.
The Ministers also had the opportunity to speak with students associated with the programme and to visit the new field station. The field station, which came into use this field season, is financed by the Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation.