How to register for courses in Nuuk

To apply for courses in the Arctic Science Study Programme (ASSP), please complete the “Student Information” form below. After submitting the completed form you will receive an e-mail with details on how to proceed with register for the courses and other practical information.

The ASSP offers graduate (masters) and PhD level courses. The courses in spring and autumn each form two full semester (30 ECTS). Applicants applying for a full semester are given priority, however, it is possible to apply for single courses. You can find more information about the courses under Arctic Science Study Programme (ASSP).

Thank you for your application!


Hvis du ønsker at sende en ansøgning til Grønlands Naturinstitut vedrørende logistik, forplejning eller transport, så tryk på én af de tre valgmuligheder du har her ovenfor.

Hvem kan sende en booking?

Forskere og projekter med tilknytning til Grønlands Naturinstitut har mulighed for at ansøge om logistisk support samt om anvendelse af faciliteter der hører til instituttet.  Desværre kan vi ikke altid imødekomme ansøgninger, da vore logistik- og laboratoriefaciliteter er begrænsede og specielt i sommerperioden meget efterspurgte.

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