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Mortensen J, Rysgaard S, Bendtsen J, Lennert K, Kanzow T, Lund H, Meire L (2020), Subglacial discharge and its down-fjord transformation in West Greenland fjords with an ice mélange. J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans 125:e2020JC016301

Rysgaard S, Boone W, Carlson D, Sejr MK, Bendtsen J, Juul-Pedersen T, Lund H, Meire L, Mortensen J (2020) An updated view on water masses on the pan-West Greenland continental shelf and their link to proglacial fjords. J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans 125:e2019JC015564

Boone W, Rysgaard S, Carlson DF, Meire L, Kirillov S, Mortensen J, Dmitrenko I, Vergeynst L, Sejr MK (2018) Coastal freshening prevents fjord bottom water renewal in Northeast Greenland – a mooring study from 2003-2015. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 2726-2733

Hopwood MJ, Carroll D, Browning TJ, Meire L, Mortensen J, Krisch S, Achterberg EP (2018) Non-linear response of summertime marine productivity to increased meltwater discharge around Greenland. Nat. Commun., 9:3256

Krawczyk DW, Meire L, Lopes C, Juul-Pedersen T, Mortensen J, Li CL, Krogh T (2018) Seasonal succession, distribution and diversity of planktonic protists in relation to hydrography of the Godthåbsfjord system (SW Greenland). Polar Biology, 41, 2033-2052

Mortensen J, Rysgaard S, Arendt KE, Juul-Pedersen T, Søgaard DH, Bendtsen J, Meire L (2018) Local coastal water masses control heat levels in a West Greenland tidewater outlet glacier fjord. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 123, 8068-8083

Rysgaard S, Bendtsen J, Mortensen J, Sejr MK (2018) High geothermal heat flux in close proximity to the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream. Scientific Reports, 8:1344

Meire L, Mortensen J, Meire P, Juul-Pedersen T, Sejr MK, Rysgaard S, Nygaard R, Huybrechts P, Meysman FJR (2017) Marine-terminating glaciers sustain high productivity in Greenland fjords. Global Change Biology 23: 5344–5357

Motyka RJ, Cassotto R, Truffer M, Kjeldsen KK, van As D, Korsgaard NJ, Fahnestock M, Howat I, Langen PL, Mortensen J, Lennert K, Rysgaard S (2016). Asynchronous Behavior of Outlet Glaciers Feeding Godthåbsfjord (Nuup Kangerlua) and the Triggering of Narsap Sermia’s Retreat in SW Greenland. J. Glaciology, JOG-16-0055.R4 (accepted)

Dmitrenko IA, Kirillov SA, Rysgaard S, Barber D, Babb D, Pedersen LT, Koldunov NV, Boone W, Crabeck O, Mortensen J (2015) Polynya impacts on water properties in a Northeast Greenland fjord. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.

Holfort, J., E. Hansen, S. Østerhus, S. Dye, S. Jonsson, J. Meincke, J. Mortensen, and M. Meredith, 2008, Freshwater Fluxes East of Greenland, In Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Fluxes, Springer, 263-287.