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Garde E, Hansen RG (2021) Chapter 4 – Stocks, distribution and abundance. in The Atlantic Walrus. Editors: Keighley X, Olsen MT, Jordan P, Desjardins S. Academic Press: 77-95.

Chambault P, Tervo OM, Garde E, Hansen RG, Blackwell SB, Williams TM, Dietz R, Albertsen CM, Laidre K, Richard P, Sinding M-HS, Schmidt HC, Heide-Jørgensen MP (2020) The impact of rising sea temperatures on an Arctic top predator, the narwhal. Nature Scientific Reports 10:18678

Heide-Jørgensen MP, Blackwell SB, Williams TM, Sinding M-HS, Skovrind M, Tervo OM, Garde E, Hansen RG, Nielsen NH, Ngô MC, Ditlevsen S (2020) Some like it cold: Temperature dependent habitat selection by narwhals. Ecology and Evolution 10:8073-8090.

Heide-Jørgensen MP, Garde E, Hansen RG, Tervo OM, Sinding M-HS, Witting L, Marcoux M, Watt C, Kovacs KM, Reeves RR (2020) Narwhals require targeted conservation. Science 23 October 2020, 370: 416.

Heide-Jørgensen MP, Hansen RG, Shpak OV (2020) Distribution, migrations, and ecology of the Atlantic and the Okhotsk Sea populations. In The Bowhead Whale: Balaena Mysticetus: Biology and Human Interactions, eds. J.C. George J.G.M. Thewissen, 57-76

Hobbs RC, Randall RR, and Prewitt JS. 2019. Global Review of the Conservation Status of Monodontid Stocks. Marine Fisheries Review: mfr813-41.

Watt, C.A., Doniol-Valcroze T., Witting L., Hobbs, R., Hansen, R.G., Lee, D.S., Marcoux, M., Lesage, V., Garde, E., Ferguson, S.H. M.P. Heide-Jørgensen. 2019. Hunt allocation modeling for migrating marine mammals. Marine Fisheries Review

Chambault P, Albertsen CM, Patterson TA, Hansen RG, Tervo O, Laidre K and Heide-Jørgensen MP (2018) Sea surface temperature predicts the movements of an Arctic cetacean: the bowhead whale. Nature Scientific Reports 8:9658

Garde E, Jung-Madsen S, Ditlevsen S, Hansen RG, Zinglersen KB, Heide-Jørgensen MP (2018) Diving behavior of the Atlantic walrus in high Arctic Greenland and Canada. J Exp Mar Bio Ecol 500: 89-99.

Nielsen NH, Teilmann J, Sveegaard S, Hansen RG, Sinding M-HS, Dietz R, Heide-Jørgensen MP (2018) Oceanic movements, site fidelity and deep diving in harbour porpoises from Greenland show limited similarities to animals from the North Sea. 35 Marine Ecology Progress Series 597: 259–272 doi:10.3354/meps12588

Heide-Jørgensen MP, Flora J, Andersen AO, Stewart REA, Nielsen NH, Hansen RG (2017) Walrus Movements in Smith Sound: A Canada - Greenland Shared Stock. Arctic 70: 308

Heide-Jørgensen MP, Hansen RG, Fossette S, Nielsen NH, Borchers DL, Stern H, Witting L (2016) Rebuilding beluga stocks in West Greenland. Animal Conservation 1-12

Heide-Jørgensen MP, Sinding MHS, Nielsen NH, Rosing-Asvid A, Hansen RG (2016) Large numbers of marine mammals winter in the North Water polynya. Polar biology, 39 (9): 1605-1614

Hansen RG, Heide-Jørgensen MP (2013) Spatial trends in abundance of long-finned pilot whales, white-beaked dolphins and harbour porpoises in West Greenland. Marine Biology 160:2929-2941

Heide-Jørgensen MP, Laidre KL, Fossette S, Rasmussen M, Nielsen NH, Hansen RG (2013) Abundance of walruses in Eastern Baffin Bay and Davis Strait. Walrus of the North Atlantic. Eds. Stewart REA, Kovacs K, Aquarone M. NAMMCO Scientific Publication Series, Volume 9: In Press. ISSN: 2309-2491

Hansen RG, Heide-Jørgensen MP, Laidre KL (2012) Recent abundance estimates of bowhead whales in Isabella Bay, Canada. Journal of Cetacean Research Management 12(3): 317-319

Heide-Jørgensen MP, Witting L, Laidre KL and Hansen RG (2010) Fully corrected estimates of minke whale abundance in West Greenland in 2007 Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 11(2): 75–82