Gundersen, A.C., C.S. Simonsen,O.A. Jørgensen, I. Fossen, B. Lyberth & J. Boje, 2004. Sexual maturation and spawning season of Greenland halibut, R. hippoglossoides, in West Greenland waters. ICES Council Meeting K:72, 21 pp. 19.-29. september. Udgivet 12.03.2019

Gundersen, A.C., C.S. Simonsen,O.A. Jørgensen, I. Fossen, B. Lyberth & J. Boje, 2004. Sexual maturation and spawning season of Greenland halibut, R. hippoglossoides, in West Greenland waters. ICES Council Meeting K:72, 21 pp. 19.-29. september.